Thursday, December 27, 2012


I seriously have some of the greatest people in my life! We always create some of the best memories, and wonder how all us crazies are even friends! I publicly embarrassed myself in my workout gear having no intentions of going anywhere public, and somehow ended up at the mall and going to a movie like this, YIKES! However Les Mis is a MUST!!

After rushing home to meet up with our friends, and hours of trying to make sure we had the appropriate gear we headed up the canyon well after midnight.The two of us have a blast no matter what, and the more people hang out with us the more they are convinced how true this is! I can't tell you how many times I get comments on how I should have my own show, or how friends just want to follow me around and make their own videos of me.

No matter how many layers you have on, you still somehow manage to freeze!!

I am the "Betty Crocker" in SLC

My own hashtag! haha but really I made two batches and I guarantee they're gone by the time I get home!

They are a big hit with my friends and family!

Pulling an all nighter

Wednesday, December 26, 2012


Christmas was a little different this year, I worked for my first time on Christmas Eve, after I eventually made it home to pack up I traveled down to my sisters. What is usually a 17 minute drive took a little over an hour and a half. I was sick and onry and had the intention of laying down to take a brief nap before heading to my dads...brief turned into 5 hours. I finally woke up when the fam got home and quickly went to bed about an hour later. I was no fun that night. A sleepover with my goobs, and a phone calll from the babe made the night a little better though. Before I knew it was Christmas morning!! Sleeping by this for 5 hours was my Christmas Eve!

Safe to say that for another year the girls were SPOILED!!! Nanny with an Itouch, mimi and her ipad/tv and both mounds of clothes, movies, toys, and JB tickets! I can spend hours just watching them!

MERRY CHRISTMAS MOM!! Miss this lady so much!!!

My dad and his girls! Before I had a chance to walk back into my dads house once we got back he had cut himself with a knife. Before I knew it I was on my way taking him to the ER and 3 hours and 16 stitches later we finally made it back to his house!

The best phone calls I get every day are from this boy. I underestimated how much I thought I would miss him. He's such a charmer. Baby thank you, thank you, thank you, for being there for me, caring for me more than I deserve, always checking in on me, and motivating me to be better than I was the day before!

We ended the night in our jammies, watching Pitch Perfect, and helping Nard get unstuck from Katies bed!

Thursday, December 20, 2012


What kind of season is it if you don't throw an ugly sweater party?! We were so honored to have some of the "Meatheads" make an appearance!

Making Spencer look good with all my beauties! Love my girls!

Some cake pop goodness!
Just hanging with my new BFF!

Years ago the three of us were inseperable, it was so great to be reconnected

Always a good time!

Puppy love

Guys I have been wanting a puppy for so long! If we were allowed to have one at our house I would be purchasing one for Christmas, unfortunately I can't so I am trying to convince the boy to move out so we can have one!I tagged him in my friends picture of a puppy she wants, its SOOOO cute, and then I screen shot it and sent it to my sister also!

Seriously we sent pics all day yesterday.
After an emotionally draining day and sitting in training I went home to host a party. Don't get me wrong I have the most incredible friends ever, but I really just wanted to curl up and go to bed. After another night in the books and winding down I finally made it into bed and this one called. Baby thank you for thinking of me, and being a boy that will talk to me about everything!!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Life has been pretty mellow as all I seem to have time for is work, but since last Friday I have been going non-stop reconnecting with all my friends since their finals are now over! Last Friday night was the annual Midway party up at Mike's and it was so fun to see everyone again! I destroyed Reegs at Dance Central but we continued to play all night!

Felt so good to be back with this crew again!

The girls at Jacq's party before we went to Midway!

Steve and I have a great friendship built solely on our dislike for a certain someone who screwed both of us over! Every time we see each other he makes sure to state "Hey remember that one time up at the cabin...HATE HER!" haha

Monday night we had dinner at The Roof. Mmmm....SO GOOD!

And to conclude it all I get this one to share everything with. I have been so overwhelmed with work this month, and unfortunately take it out on him. Girls would love to get these texts but being the brat I am, I don't respond like most girls. Right after I gave him my bratty response to his message last night he immediately called me. "Are you hungry?" "No, I ate at Z's" "Then what's wrong?" "Nothing" (Seriously how does he put up with me?) "Are you ready for bed?" "Yeah, just about to head there too" "Wow you were going to go to bed before I even got home from work?" "I thought you were with the boys?" "No I just pulled in, come open the door" I was so onry with him for no reason last night, turned my head when he tried to kiss me, when he did kiss me I wouldn't kiss back, wouldn't cuddle during our movie, went straight to bed after it, and usually when we finally make it into bed we cuddle and talk about the details of our day but instead I went straight to my side and fell asleep. Thanks babe for always finding a way to make my day better!

Monday, December 17, 2012


Fridays tragic shooting opened my eyes for my family. I have two nieces that I absolutely adore. They are my pride, and sometimes I brag about them like they are my own. My family knows that if anyone ever laid a hand on them or hurt them in someway they are going to have to hold me back from not doing something to them. Yes sometimes they can annoy the crap out of me, but I can't think of loving anyone more, especially when I look in their big brown eyes. Friday night we had our annual Christmas dinner and lights downtown and all I wanted to do was hold them close. They are my little angels that make any day a little better!
The holidays will never be the same without my momma but I know that she is our personal guardian angel up above. And sometimes it's all that gets me through the day knowing she is watching over us. Never take for granted that unconditional love because there is nothing that you will miss more than feeling it and feeling it for somebody else.

Monday, December 3, 2012


Mini vacay's are great, but you never want to come home! I love that so many of my friends are successful and achieved their dreams of playing in the NFL! It's even better when they want to you fly you out for a game so that you can keep other friends company while they are with the team! Flying over the rockies br/>

I found my Christmas heaven

Reminded me of Disneyland! I wish Utah went all out like this!
I will make it to all NFL stadiums in my life!

We work out, even on vacation!

Seriously it was the cutest little get away! I am OBSESSED with the lights!

This getaway brought back so many emotions and memories. I couldn't have asked for a better friend to help me get through my first game post the breakup with! People assumed we were on our honeymoon, so we kept getting upgraded free stuff all weekend! Thanks Sealver for losing our bet which landed you in the NFL!

Seriously the trip was perfect, Luke has been such a great friend over the years. I didn't have to say much and he knew the whole time that I was having flashbacks to when I was with Freddie. I was sick that night, hugging the toilet and Luke was right there by my side with a Sprite and Applesauce. He'll make a lady very happy and lucky one day!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Birthday Boi

As soon as I got this, I get a phone call....

"DON'T MAKE ME GO TO WORK!" "Hahaha HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY!!!" "Thanks again, but really are you going to make me go?" "I'm not going to control you and tell you what to do and not do" "Fine I'll go but can I leave early and go out with the homies?" "Yeah, if that's what you want to do" "Do you want to come, you'd probably be the only girl" "hahaha I don't want to crash "guys" night! I'm going to be here late anyways, and it's good to have nights with just your boys" "You really are amazing, thank you for everything you have done, I'll text you when I get into work" "I trust you, and I'm serious have a full guys night, don't leave early to come be with me, you left early last week for me today is about you" "There wont be any big booty hoes (an inside joke) babe just the boys, thanks!" Was I nervous to find out what he did bad on his birthday? No I knew and I'm glad he told me and not letting me find out later. We made a pact to be completely honest with one another, with everything. I don't get mad about anything, because I find out from the man I am supposed to find out from. It makes such a difference!

I can get used to the following... "Hello?" "What up girl, what are you doing?" "Cleaning, just about to finish the dishes" "You really are amazing. Is anyone home?" "Uhh I don't think so" "What are you going to do tonight?" "I'll workout as soon as I get done cleaning, then it depends what time it is" "Get it girl, but first I need you to do something" "ha okay, what's up?" "Come unlock the door, I'm home"

Baby boo surprised me even though it's his special week! He's such a pleaser!

Gobble Gobble

My co-workers have been complaining about me....ALOT to my manager. He pulled me in his office the other day and I thought I was in trouble. Not at all, he just wanted me to know that he notices that I have never been involved in the office gossip, and that my co-workers are so jealous of me. Last Wednesday I had a break down in my office, one lady completely embarrassed me in front of everyone. I told her I was excited for Thanksgiving and she got snotty and responded "I would too if I had a perfect family, a dad that gives you whatever you want, a mom that doubles whatever your dad gives you, perfect siblings, a perfect boyfriend, and perfect friends who all want to spend every second with you" One of the doctors I work with sent this to me and said "I admire you, I hope that my daughters grow up to be as beautiful and intelligent as you are. You give me hope in the generations to come"

Back track to Thanksgiving...the holidays are always hard. I can't help but not imagine what things would be like if my mom was still around. Would we still be going to Idaho? Would we start having our own at my parents house? Would we still have our sleepovers, and go shopping? I spent time at my sisters, Meemers can always put a smile on my face! After a few hours I headed over to meet up with my dad for a brief dinner with his in-laws. I adore my dad, he works so hard and tries sooooo hard to make sure everyone around him is happy. Terry had invited me to go with his family to Thanksgiving and I would have LOVED to go, but I had to put my dad first. I needed him to know that the little family he has left of his own still loves him. Unfortunately he had to leave early for work, and Terry's family had eaten around the same time as us so they weren't quite finished yet. I headed home to my empty abode and I started unpacking my christmas decorations, sweats on, movie in, and the boy called. "My phone died at dinner, sorry! How was the rest of dinner?" "It was good, soooo full!" "Me too, are you still with your fam?" "No I'm home, it's so quiet it's weird!" "Well what are you going to do tonight?" "I don't know probably just go to bed early" "Do you want me to come get you?" "No, it's fine, enjoy the family time, I'm glad you are spending time with your sister" "Well when is Katie coming home?" "I don't think she is, she's house-sitting remember?" "I'm coming over then" "I'm fine, really it'll be good to have some alone time" "Missing your mom?" fighting my tears I replied "Yeah, but I'm okay, I should be used to this by now" "I don't want you to be alone, it's Thanksgiving, you still have loved ones here who care about you." "Thanks boo but really I'm good!" "Babe let me call you back in 5 minutes" A few minutes later BFF is calling... "SPACE! Am I picking you up or are you just meeting me at the parentals?" "Now?" "Duh, gotta get ready for shopping!" "I'll meet you there, but just so you know I am going in a sweatshirt and jeggings, don't have any expectations of me getting ready" "Ha perf I'll have a DP for you at the house" Few minutes later Terry is calling again... "Sorry babe, what's up?" "Nothing I'm just changing" "Katies?" "Yeah" "I'll call you when it gets closer to midnight, get out and have fun with your BFF" "Ahhh I love that you said BFF!" "I miss you so much that if you wouldn't go I was going to head over, text me when you get there so I know you're safe" Twenty minutes later as I walk in the parentals I hear "Aww...Mace he is sooo cute, and great eye candy!" from her aunts, mom, sisters, and cousins... "What?" "Terry called Katie. He doesn't want you alone tonight" "OH MY!" Love how much he cares, I hate making him feel like he's responsible for taking care of me, but he did a great job at it! Thanks T for once again proving not all guys are the same!


Between working 50+ hours a week, working out, and having opposite schedules than the two people I spend most of my free time with there isn't much happening anymore. T-Pain can always boost my ego a little more
The babes agrees, and seriously we work out all the time now it's great!

Seriously hoe back off!! He called me after I sent my "Bring It On" response "Hey!" "Babe she's crazy and wont stop bugging me about a picture" "haha then why don't you just take one?" "I'm all yours, you don't like sharing me" "A picture is harmless" "It's going to go on facebook" "And....?" "Fine I'll take it but I want everyone to know that you're my girl, not her, sometimes I wish you were the jealous type" "Nothing will last if I don't trust you and I get jealous over stupid things" "You're right, I hope our kids take after you" He's the best and then he told her that I'm crazy jealous!

She asked what he was doing after work and he told her going to the gym and then home so a few hours later she text him "Hey, what are you doing?" "Just at home, thinking about going to bed" "What? It's early, don't you want to do something?" "I'm actually about to go do something" "Oh, what?" "Fall asleep with my girl in my arms" "She doesn't sleep at her own house?" "We are at our home, together and in our bed, see you later" Got lucky with a boy that tells me EVERYTHING. The last boy denied everything I ever asked him, but T confirms that not all boys are the same!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

This Boi

Nothing better than a little sushi date and then a chill night with our friends that we haven't seen in so long! Early birthday kisses!

Weekly sushi dates are our favorite!

He held a snake which was a big accomplishment! Wish I would have recorded the BFF because she was crying the whole time!
There isn't anything much better than waking up to this boy almost every morning!

Snakes are pretty creepy, nobody I live with will ever own one!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Love My Momma!

5 1/2 years later and I still miss my mom every day. Especially around the holidays, it's hard not to think of how different our lives would be if she was still here. I'm sure I would talk to my dad daily, or at least weekly, family events is something I would look forward to again, and someone to take pictures to capture all our memories. Last night I had a breakdown. T's mom taught at my elementary school, neither my sister or I had her but she knew the fam. She knew my mom better than I think any of the teachers we actually had did. She knew we were adopted, she knew her hobbies and interests, and she knew when she had passed away...T kept telling me all these things his mom had told him and then he tells me "She sounds really amazing, I wish I could of met her. I bet she would be so proud of you and your sister..." I lost it, I just laid there and tried to hold back the tears but I couldn't. He just kept telling me everything he knew about her. I finally gained composure and told him everything he didn't already know. Him being adopted also understood everything, why my mom means so much more to me than most kids. Her and my dad gave me a better life, and I couldn't thank them enough for spoiling me with a fabulous life. He then asked "Biggest regret" honestly I don't really have any regrets...but one, I wish I respected my mom more, wish I never talked back to her. He knew where I was coming from....he got thinking of his relationship with his mom and then he lost it. Two cry babies who love their mom's crying in each others arms. His mom called us this morning to tell us to have a good day, so it was the perfect opportunity for T to ask his mom out on a date. It was the cutest thing to hear, and made me realize that I need to take advantage of the family time I do get with my dad, and sis! I am so excited that I have family plans on Friday AND Saturday...I may not have my mom but I still have more family here than others and I'm grateful for that! First time I have seen a guy cry in a long time, and probably the first that wasn't sports related, but mom's are so special!

Monday, November 12, 2012


Three days of non-stop snow? Safe to say this weekend wasn't the most productive weekend but still we managed to create more memories! Friday night was girls night with the Davis' so after work I headed over to the parentals and had dinner before heading to Wreck It Ralph...such a cute movie! Saturday consisted of baking, sleeping, cooking, sleeping, cleaning, and football! (My perfect kind of day!) I made these, Curry, and a few fruit dipped goodies in white chocolate! Saturday after the Utes game, we decided to party hop and force us to get out of the house. We made 5 guys, and a Tahoe worth it by helping EVERY car we passed that was stuck in the snow! Makes me happy to know I have amazing friends that will help anyone in need! Sunday morning I had made more of the Cinnamon Rolls for the "Meatheads" I was happy to feed them after they were out shoveling for others! I really have the most generous friends! I cooked Borsch, and other miscellaneous treats because I was going crazy staying inside! We finally ventured out of the house to my sisters! Thanks Ash it really made our weekend to come home and "game" the rest of the day! Saturday morning on my way to work, I couldn't get over how pretty the snow looked! I have realized that I am like my mother and LOVE the look of untouched snow, however I will let my roommates make snowmen in the front yard if they desire!
This is how amazing my Cinnamon rolls were! Days later and he still wants more AND has realized my obsession with Pinterest..MINOR PROBLEM!
You better believe we played Rock Band AND Dance Central for a solid 5 hours!
Nothing like walking half a mile in a snowstorm because we parked so far away!
Mexican candy at one of the parties!
I finally gave in and text him for J, he played, and got player of the game...NBD! What I do for my friends!