Thursday, November 29, 2012

Gobble Gobble

My co-workers have been complaining about me....ALOT to my manager. He pulled me in his office the other day and I thought I was in trouble. Not at all, he just wanted me to know that he notices that I have never been involved in the office gossip, and that my co-workers are so jealous of me. Last Wednesday I had a break down in my office, one lady completely embarrassed me in front of everyone. I told her I was excited for Thanksgiving and she got snotty and responded "I would too if I had a perfect family, a dad that gives you whatever you want, a mom that doubles whatever your dad gives you, perfect siblings, a perfect boyfriend, and perfect friends who all want to spend every second with you" One of the doctors I work with sent this to me and said "I admire you, I hope that my daughters grow up to be as beautiful and intelligent as you are. You give me hope in the generations to come"

Back track to Thanksgiving...the holidays are always hard. I can't help but not imagine what things would be like if my mom was still around. Would we still be going to Idaho? Would we start having our own at my parents house? Would we still have our sleepovers, and go shopping? I spent time at my sisters, Meemers can always put a smile on my face! After a few hours I headed over to meet up with my dad for a brief dinner with his in-laws. I adore my dad, he works so hard and tries sooooo hard to make sure everyone around him is happy. Terry had invited me to go with his family to Thanksgiving and I would have LOVED to go, but I had to put my dad first. I needed him to know that the little family he has left of his own still loves him. Unfortunately he had to leave early for work, and Terry's family had eaten around the same time as us so they weren't quite finished yet. I headed home to my empty abode and I started unpacking my christmas decorations, sweats on, movie in, and the boy called. "My phone died at dinner, sorry! How was the rest of dinner?" "It was good, soooo full!" "Me too, are you still with your fam?" "No I'm home, it's so quiet it's weird!" "Well what are you going to do tonight?" "I don't know probably just go to bed early" "Do you want me to come get you?" "No, it's fine, enjoy the family time, I'm glad you are spending time with your sister" "Well when is Katie coming home?" "I don't think she is, she's house-sitting remember?" "I'm coming over then" "I'm fine, really it'll be good to have some alone time" "Missing your mom?" fighting my tears I replied "Yeah, but I'm okay, I should be used to this by now" "I don't want you to be alone, it's Thanksgiving, you still have loved ones here who care about you." "Thanks boo but really I'm good!" "Babe let me call you back in 5 minutes" A few minutes later BFF is calling... "SPACE! Am I picking you up or are you just meeting me at the parentals?" "Now?" "Duh, gotta get ready for shopping!" "I'll meet you there, but just so you know I am going in a sweatshirt and jeggings, don't have any expectations of me getting ready" "Ha perf I'll have a DP for you at the house" Few minutes later Terry is calling again... "Sorry babe, what's up?" "Nothing I'm just changing" "Katies?" "Yeah" "I'll call you when it gets closer to midnight, get out and have fun with your BFF" "Ahhh I love that you said BFF!" "I miss you so much that if you wouldn't go I was going to head over, text me when you get there so I know you're safe" Twenty minutes later as I walk in the parentals I hear "Aww...Mace he is sooo cute, and great eye candy!" from her aunts, mom, sisters, and cousins... "What?" "Terry called Katie. He doesn't want you alone tonight" "OH MY!" Love how much he cares, I hate making him feel like he's responsible for taking care of me, but he did a great job at it! Thanks T for once again proving not all guys are the same!

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