Thursday, November 29, 2012

Birthday Boi

As soon as I got this, I get a phone call....

"DON'T MAKE ME GO TO WORK!" "Hahaha HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY!!!" "Thanks again, but really are you going to make me go?" "I'm not going to control you and tell you what to do and not do" "Fine I'll go but can I leave early and go out with the homies?" "Yeah, if that's what you want to do" "Do you want to come, you'd probably be the only girl" "hahaha I don't want to crash "guys" night! I'm going to be here late anyways, and it's good to have nights with just your boys" "You really are amazing, thank you for everything you have done, I'll text you when I get into work" "I trust you, and I'm serious have a full guys night, don't leave early to come be with me, you left early last week for me today is about you" "There wont be any big booty hoes (an inside joke) babe just the boys, thanks!" Was I nervous to find out what he did bad on his birthday? No I knew and I'm glad he told me and not letting me find out later. We made a pact to be completely honest with one another, with everything. I don't get mad about anything, because I find out from the man I am supposed to find out from. It makes such a difference!

I can get used to the following... "Hello?" "What up girl, what are you doing?" "Cleaning, just about to finish the dishes" "You really are amazing. Is anyone home?" "Uhh I don't think so" "What are you going to do tonight?" "I'll workout as soon as I get done cleaning, then it depends what time it is" "Get it girl, but first I need you to do something" "ha okay, what's up?" "Come unlock the door, I'm home"

Baby boo surprised me even though it's his special week! He's such a pleaser!

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