Thursday, November 29, 2012


Between working 50+ hours a week, working out, and having opposite schedules than the two people I spend most of my free time with there isn't much happening anymore. T-Pain can always boost my ego a little more
The babes agrees, and seriously we work out all the time now it's great!

Seriously hoe back off!! He called me after I sent my "Bring It On" response "Hey!" "Babe she's crazy and wont stop bugging me about a picture" "haha then why don't you just take one?" "I'm all yours, you don't like sharing me" "A picture is harmless" "It's going to go on facebook" "And....?" "Fine I'll take it but I want everyone to know that you're my girl, not her, sometimes I wish you were the jealous type" "Nothing will last if I don't trust you and I get jealous over stupid things" "You're right, I hope our kids take after you" He's the best and then he told her that I'm crazy jealous!

She asked what he was doing after work and he told her going to the gym and then home so a few hours later she text him "Hey, what are you doing?" "Just at home, thinking about going to bed" "What? It's early, don't you want to do something?" "I'm actually about to go do something" "Oh, what?" "Fall asleep with my girl in my arms" "She doesn't sleep at her own house?" "We are at our home, together and in our bed, see you later" Got lucky with a boy that tells me EVERYTHING. The last boy denied everything I ever asked him, but T confirms that not all boys are the same!

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