Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Love My Momma!

5 1/2 years later and I still miss my mom every day. Especially around the holidays, it's hard not to think of how different our lives would be if she was still here. I'm sure I would talk to my dad daily, or at least weekly, family events is something I would look forward to again, and someone to take pictures to capture all our memories. Last night I had a breakdown. T's mom taught at my elementary school, neither my sister or I had her but she knew the fam. She knew my mom better than I think any of the teachers we actually had did. She knew we were adopted, she knew her hobbies and interests, and she knew when she had passed away...T kept telling me all these things his mom had told him and then he tells me "She sounds really amazing, I wish I could of met her. I bet she would be so proud of you and your sister..." I lost it, I just laid there and tried to hold back the tears but I couldn't. He just kept telling me everything he knew about her. I finally gained composure and told him everything he didn't already know. Him being adopted also understood everything, why my mom means so much more to me than most kids. Her and my dad gave me a better life, and I couldn't thank them enough for spoiling me with a fabulous life. He then asked "Biggest regret" honestly I don't really have any regrets...but one, I wish I respected my mom more, wish I never talked back to her. He knew where I was coming from....he got thinking of his relationship with his mom and then he lost it. Two cry babies who love their mom's crying in each others arms. His mom called us this morning to tell us to have a good day, so it was the perfect opportunity for T to ask his mom out on a date. It was the cutest thing to hear, and made me realize that I need to take advantage of the family time I do get with my dad, and sis! I am so excited that I have family plans on Friday AND Saturday...I may not have my mom but I still have more family here than others and I'm grateful for that! First time I have seen a guy cry in a long time, and probably the first that wasn't sports related, but mom's are so special!

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