Thursday, April 11, 2013

Up to date

Our weekly sushi date

Taking Mom flowers

Alana in Terry's hat...the boys talked FOR-EV-ER...but I'm so glad he gets along with the two important men in my life

Date night to Keys

Conference breakfast at my seestas!

Spring is in the air!!!!!!

After dating for six months we finally made it FB official, I got a phone call "Hey babe, are you going to accept my request?" "What request?" "Check your facebook, love you, bye" He's a goob but I love him!

Date night to the Jazz game! He had been hinting for some time that he wanted to go, I scored tickets (for free, and good seats) he was so happy to see his favorite players, and we can finally check that off our dating bucket list! (I can't tell you how many games we've both gone to this season just not together)

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