Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Go back to October, we just moved into our new place, Katie was dating this one boy Ryan, and I was dating multiple different boys avoiding any serious relationship. Well Ryan became distant and the BFF decided that we were going to have No-men-vember! I happily agreed knowing that the one boy that really had my interest was a player and I was planning on beating him at his own game. Well that plan backfired. Terry soon became the only boy I was dating, and Ryan came back into her life and they were dating pretty seriously. Funny how things work out, because 6 months later they are now engaged! SOOOO happy for you BFF! All night I kept thinking "Text Katie and let her know you miss her" Well she beat me to the punch with a picture of the ring, it's finally official! I'm going to miss living with my best friend (although I mainly just live her stuff). Terry's face lit up when I handed him the phone across the table. "Babe do you remember the talks we had in her room when I was telling her what to say to him, when to text him, and what to wear on their dates?" Haha oh those memories soon came flooding back! We have memories to last a lifetime, and I'm incredibly blessed that this girl never gave up on me! I'm so honored she picked me to be her MOH, let the planning begin! First to do: Nail appointment tonight before our game! Oakley Rodeo

Our first road trip down to the St. Geezy house

Because what two best friends don't design mathing hats?

Wedding buddies for our hundreds of invitations we have received over the years!

Snowmobiling at the farm

When you are the only girls on a boating trip the boys RALLY you because they know you're tougher than most girls, and then you feel like you would rather be dead, because your body is in so much pain!

Sledding at Mountain Dell on NYE!

(On a side note I'm sooo blessed for Terry at this point, last night after dinner he hugged me and said "Baby, I'm here for you whenever you get stressed or need me, I don't want you to worry that you're not spending as much time with me because you're busy with her wedding plans" Then today he just called me "Hey babe, have you talked to Katie today?" "Yeah she wants to go get her nails done tonight before our game" "What did you tell her?" "I'll get back to her, I thought the plan was to make you dinner before the game" "Baby go, I can meet you at our game, I'll come over after the game" "Okay we'll see" "Babe you're going and I'm paying for it" I got lucky with a great guy that knows me better than I know myself!)

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