Friday, May 3, 2013

Happy half!

Get ready for a novel! About this time last year I was walking onto the field and seeing this cute boy on my team that I hadn't met before. We made eye contact, exchanged hellos and then didn't talk much the rest of the season. Summer league started and he was on my team again, this time we actually would have short conversation in the dug out, but I was dating someone so I didn't go to one dinner with the team after our games. I finally had the nerve to break up with stupid head and thought I would start hanging out with my team more...and the next day at our game he brought a girl who I soon found out was his girlfriend. Of course a guy like him had a girlfriend, and I didn't think I really had a shot with him anyways. I continued to date A LOT the next month and then fall league was starting, I wondered if he would invite his girlfriend to play on this team which EVERYONE else played with their significant other so why wouldn't he? Then I got a friend request on FB from him, I accepted (not to eagerly) and received a message "Are you playing fall league?" "Of course! You?" "Yeah I'll be there when I can, I got a new job and work late" "That sucks we need you! Where are you working?" Well I learned in his response that not only did he work with my sister, and multiple friends, he was in the same training class with one of my close friends from high school! I quickly asked Jer what he thought about Terry. For about a month we messaged over FB and I think I only saw him twice that month. He tried to be sly about getting my number from a teammate without going directly to me or the BFF. Well NOBODY had it so he had to ask Katie for it. He then chickened out and messaged me on FB saying "We need to hang out more" I agreed and asked what his plans were for the weekend. He responded and then said "Hey I'm walking into work, text me and we'll plan something" For the next month we would try and plan something but it wasn't working. I was still dating (mainly just MO at that point) and would see him at kickball but never went out with them after.I was surprised when I walked up my stairs at our house warming party and saw him standing there with Lexi and Katie. I got butterflies, hugged him, and he asked if I was surpised. I was shocked and told him I was walking my friends out but I would come meet him downstairs. He apparently got hit on by many of my friends, and the girls all text Katie "Who is this guy? He's hot!" BFF responded to everyone "He's trying to date Macee, dropt it!" Well we talked that night for a few hours and I walked him out and told him "Maybe this week we can figure something out!" He agreed and left and about twenty minutes later I got a text "Hey thanks for letting me come over, your place is sick!" We talked the rest of the night until he fell asleep and my friends quickly asked 20 questions about him. I played it off and casually talked to him that week and we thought maybe we would hang out that weekend. Well that weekend turned into the worst weekend of his life. The rumors about it were circling and Sunday night he called me to tell me himself what had happened. I felt bad and was beginning to think if it's meant to be it'll happen. The next week came and after our game he called me and we talked for over 2 hours about EVERYTHING! Friday we had been texting most the day and he asked if I was still planning on hanging out with Katie that night. I told him yes and he told me that he was just going home after work, I was convinced that I wouldn't see him this weekend either. That night I worked out and then the BFF convinved me that it was pizza and drinks night, then we were going to enjoy our fizz and have girl talk and maybe watch a movie. While getting a DP my phone rings, I got those butterflies again and answered "Hello?" "Hey! I just got off work what are you up to?" with an uncontrolable laugh I told him and the BFF yelled "COME OVER!!!" "Really is that okay?" still laughing I told him to head on over. "Are you two drunk?" "NO! I'm just beyond crazy!" He laughed and replied "This will be a fun night, I will see you soon!" I hung up and then panicked! "Uhh I haven't even showered yet, HURRY!!!" We get home and have time to get out of the shower and apply makeup and he was there (THANK HEAVENS for natural curly hair!) He talked to Katie for a bit and then he asked if it was okay if he took me out, she went to bed and I made sure to quickly make myself presentable. We got out in the car and said "I'm sorry this is not how I wanted to take you out on our first date, but are you hungry?" "Yes! I didn't get a chance to eat after I worked out so food sounds great!" We then went out for sushi, got some treats and a redbox and headed back to my place. It was perfect and turns out that it couldn't turn out any better for our first date because it's the story of our relationship! 6 months later I am soooo grateful for this man and what he has taught me! He has humbled me, and taught me more than I thought was possible. Thank you for giving me hope, and working through it all with me! The first few months were an emotional rollercoaster and not easy but I am more grateful for him because of it, thank you baby I love you to the moon and back!!!

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