Thursday, May 2, 2013


Finally the babe is back home!!! After yesterday I am soooooo ready to have him back. I am beyond grateful for him, and these types of texts is another reason why!

Last night in between games at our double header I ran to Sev to grab more drinks for the team! I almost got T-Boned in the parking lot and the trashiest lady followed me into the store and yelled at me, many of the customers were defending me, yelling back at her telling her how wrong she was, to learn how to drive, and to get out of the store. Typical me, kept quiet and patiently stood in line, the lady pushed me then got in my face and said "You think you're better than me huh? Or to scared to say anything?" I still kept my mouth shut and tears were forming, she pushed me again, and I turned my head and still kept quiet. A man stepped in and said "Lady you need to back off, and learn how to drive, we all saw you almost hit her when she pulled in, and she's being smart by keeping quiet" The lady continued to yell at me "Watch your back little b* I'm going to get you when nobody is looking" The cashier kicked her out and I thanked the man for stepping in, and apologized to the cashier. I get back to the car and that girl was waiting to follow me in her car. I immediately called Terry in tears, "Babe we're about to go through security can I call you back?" Holding back my tears I reply "Yeah, that's fine" "No baby, wait what's wrong? What happened?" "I'll be okay just hurry" "Baby tell me now, I've got two hours to get through and nobody in line" I quickly tell him what happened and that her and this man is following me....I could tell in his voice he was trying to remain calm for me but there was panic in his voice. He tells me to speed ahead and try and lose them in a neighborhood. "But babe I have to get back for the next game, can't I just go to the park?" "I don't want to risk them doing something stupid to you in the parking lot, I can call Chad or Hern and have them meet you in the parking lot if that's what you want?" "No let me try to lose them first" Well I finally lost them as I blended in with multiple cars, turned my lights off, and watched them drive by. I told Terry I was clear and to go through security I would call him after our game. Luckily we won both our games and it turned out to be an okay night but man I have never been so terrified in my life!!! Life lesson: Never go to a low class place by yourself!!

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