Friday, May 10, 2013


Terry and I are obsessed with music. I know who isn't right? Seriously as soon as our alarms go off in the morning we turn it on and that's what we listen to ALLLLLLL day. In the car we jam out, he attempts to serrenade me, or we just drive and say nothing and actually listen to lyrics and then talk about them. The other night these songs came on back to back. "Baby I have to admit this song reminds me of you" "Why's that?" ""If I get this girl, I'll be the man" c'mon babe just to be in your presence makes anyone lucky" "STOP!" ""Lunch, 5-star diner, manicure, pedicure, everything designer" You can expect that one day in the next few weeks" Someone is hinting at my birthday.....
And this song....WOW could not describe us any better. A few months ago he found it on youtube and as soon as he introduced me to it I downloaded it. I had it playing one night getting ready for our date night and one of my roommates came down..."What is this song?" "Trey Songz!" "Umm okay I thought it was Terry, this song is you guys, I hope you don't take it the wrong way but every time he talks to me these are the things he says about you" The BFF fell in love with it also and text me "You and Terry have so many good relationship songs, can I look at your playlist for wedding song ideas?"

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