Monday, May 13, 2013


We had a great weekend full of some family fun! Friday night we met up with Terry's parents for dinner and then he saw an old friend at the restaurant and him and his girlfriend invited us to go see Iron Man 3 with them! Great movie! Saturday morning Terry ran in the "Race for the Cure" 5K. I wish I could have been there and supporting him but I was asked to judge Nationals and had to be there at 7! My sister met at my house so we could go together. Terry, her, and I had a great time getting ready all together! I told them I haven't seen 5:30 since high school, it was definitely a change!) Nationals always brings back so many memories! You work so hard to qualify every year and it was always rewarding when it paid off and even better when you got the most prestigious rewards! Josh, Shaun, and Terry all rode up together with the kids early afternoon! I always thought boyfriends were so great when they would come spend hours at competitions to see me dance but Terry tops them all....he came and supported me while I judged, rode the kiddie rides, and would sit in the audience watching the dancers as I was judging. The perk of being a judge is all the free stuff you get with it, AND the money! As soon as all three girls were done judging we went over to get our pictures taken! Missing Alana but she chose birthday parties over Lagoon!
Terry is in on the bromance with Shaun and Josh....GREAT that he gets along so well with the fam (I've known Josh my entire life and Michele since I was three.) I'm so lucky to have such great family/friends in my life!
I took the two younger kids so the adults could go on Wicked...BEST BIRTH CONTROL!
Terry was going to ride it with them and then saw I had them by myself and felt bad so he came to help!
My athletic stud doing his thing
I hope our children take after him!
He won prizes for the kids, they were soooo happy and Terry was their best friend!
We loved getting to spend time with them, but loved it even more when we could give them back to their parents!
After wearing the kids/parents out they left and Terry and I stayed to ride a few more rides together and enjoy the start of summer! First time on the go carts!
Lagoon Fun
He loved being a kid again
WICKED! One of the best rides there!
After being up at 5:30 and in the sun most of the day we were pretty exhausted! We ordered Chilis and picked it up on our way home and crashed by 10 Saturday night! I can feel the old age coming!

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