Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Quarter and out of order

I still can't believe that I'm a quarter of a century old, WOW I'M OLD!!!!! I got spoiled ALLLLL weekend and it was great that I got to spend it all with my sweet family! Sunday hike! Meems and I went cave hunting!
Us city people go fishing well in the city!
Who doesn't do "SUPERMAN" with their boyfriend?!
Mia threw a tantrum until her parents allowed her to come home with us for nap time, she was in heaven!
Birthday phone calls from my favorite cousin....
...and my favorite soldier that is over in Afghanistan!
Visiting Grandma Maline for my birthday/holiday
My best friend since 7th grade got engaged...CONGRATS J!
Got all ready for date night, hop on the bike and RIP! I can't even tell you how much I loved those pants, they were my favorite...and Terry's too, he said they made me look HOT, sad day!!!!
To my best friend, mother, and now angel HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM! We sure love you!
My best friends and family! I LOVE hanging out with my fam and Thursday nights are my favorite because I get to spend it with them! Shaun and Terry were at their baseball game where we met up with them but they missed out on the picture!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


I've come to the realization that if we don't take any pictures I am horrible about blogging about it....Last Friday night for date night I took Terry to a Hawaiian grill, he was in LOVE! He ate more of my chicken than I did, but better the calories for him than me! After we got home, we made a treat, popped in a movie, and snuggled up under the blanket! After a workout, some Saturday cleaning, and some errands we headed to Star Trek. To be honest I was not happy about going, but it was free! Free tickets, free vouchers for food, and a free $20 gift card to the theatre I figured I better change my attitude and be thankful that he works for such a great company! Thankfully the movie was better than expected! Sunday afternoons are made for catching up at my sisters house. I absolutely love spending time with those hooligans, watching TV, playing games, making treats, crafts, whatever it is, Sundays are sure to be a good time! Alana has asked me to be her running buddy in the elementary girls 5K for all the elementary schools in Salt Lake County. Yesterday was the practice run, it was so fun to run with one of my best friends! After that Terry and I babysat for my sis and Shaun while they went out to dinner for their anniversary. Terry and Mia are best buds and to tear the two of them apart is impossible. We picked up dinner, then I had to pay "mom duty" and get Alana started on her homework, and Mia entertained (with Terry there it wasn't hard!). When they got home from dinner we were outside playing and Shaun decided that we should go to Boondocks! So at 8 last night we all packed in the car and headed over! Shaun and Terry played "Deal or No Deal" the entire time! I went up to one game and said "I used to be so good at this one!" put my token in and won the Jackpot! The girls had fun playing all sorts of arcade games, and we all won about 800 tickets all together! We had fun picking out prizes for everyone! Terry and I picked out a little mini basketball hoop/basketball to hang on the back of the door! Once we got back home Terry said "Is that what it was like when you lived with them? Spontaneous nights?" "HAHA yes! And you had to go even if you didn't want to!" "Dang babe, why'd you move out? Tonight was fun, can't wait to hang out with them all weekend!" Mental note: get a lot of rest this weekend so you have energy for everyone's plans coming up! Thanks fam for such a fun night!

Monday, May 13, 2013


We had a great weekend full of some family fun! Friday night we met up with Terry's parents for dinner and then he saw an old friend at the restaurant and him and his girlfriend invited us to go see Iron Man 3 with them! Great movie! Saturday morning Terry ran in the "Race for the Cure" 5K. I wish I could have been there and supporting him but I was asked to judge Nationals and had to be there at 7! My sister met at my house so we could go together. Terry, her, and I had a great time getting ready all together! I told them I haven't seen 5:30 since high school, it was definitely a change!) Nationals always brings back so many memories! You work so hard to qualify every year and it was always rewarding when it paid off and even better when you got the most prestigious rewards! Josh, Shaun, and Terry all rode up together with the kids early afternoon! I always thought boyfriends were so great when they would come spend hours at competitions to see me dance but Terry tops them all....he came and supported me while I judged, rode the kiddie rides, and would sit in the audience watching the dancers as I was judging. The perk of being a judge is all the free stuff you get with it, AND the money! As soon as all three girls were done judging we went over to get our pictures taken! Missing Alana but she chose birthday parties over Lagoon!
Terry is in on the bromance with Shaun and Josh....GREAT that he gets along so well with the fam (I've known Josh my entire life and Michele since I was three.) I'm so lucky to have such great family/friends in my life!
I took the two younger kids so the adults could go on Wicked...BEST BIRTH CONTROL!
Terry was going to ride it with them and then saw I had them by myself and felt bad so he came to help!
My athletic stud doing his thing
I hope our children take after him!
He won prizes for the kids, they were soooo happy and Terry was their best friend!
We loved getting to spend time with them, but loved it even more when we could give them back to their parents!
After wearing the kids/parents out they left and Terry and I stayed to ride a few more rides together and enjoy the start of summer! First time on the go carts!
Lagoon Fun
He loved being a kid again
WICKED! One of the best rides there!
After being up at 5:30 and in the sun most of the day we were pretty exhausted! We ordered Chilis and picked it up on our way home and crashed by 10 Saturday night! I can feel the old age coming!

Friday, May 10, 2013


Terry and I are obsessed with music. I know who isn't right? Seriously as soon as our alarms go off in the morning we turn it on and that's what we listen to ALLLLLLL day. In the car we jam out, he attempts to serrenade me, or we just drive and say nothing and actually listen to lyrics and then talk about them. The other night these songs came on back to back. "Baby I have to admit this song reminds me of you" "Why's that?" ""If I get this girl, I'll be the man" c'mon babe just to be in your presence makes anyone lucky" "STOP!" ""Lunch, 5-star diner, manicure, pedicure, everything designer" You can expect that one day in the next few weeks" Someone is hinting at my birthday.....
And this song....WOW could not describe us any better. A few months ago he found it on youtube and as soon as he introduced me to it I downloaded it. I had it playing one night getting ready for our date night and one of my roommates came down..."What is this song?" "Trey Songz!" "Umm okay I thought it was Terry, this song is you guys, I hope you don't take it the wrong way but every time he talks to me these are the things he says about you" The BFF fell in love with it also and text me "You and Terry have so many good relationship songs, can I look at your playlist for wedding song ideas?"

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Swift kickers

Wednesday nights are a highlight of my week, this team is super competitive but so laid back! Don't let our pink shirts fool you, we take our games pretty serious! They are always full of laughter and snide remarks and every team in our league hates us but we have to much fun to care! Although our game was at 10 last night and I was warm and comfortable in my bed, Terry talked us into going!

Grateful that this crazy league is what brought us together. I love this man more and more every day, yes he drives me crazy at times but he knows me better than anyone, loves me and sends me the sweetest texts when I need it most, and has so much patience with me I'm not quite sure I deserve this man!

Spinach Roll-ups

With summer quickly approaching, and Terry and I not only getting ready for our summer bods, we are getting ready for our races coming up. We've cut back to eating out to once a week (usually it was three times a week) and I've only been cooking healthier meals. We've loved watching how much money we save and that it is enough to send us to Seattle in a month! Although we are attempting our healthier eating we still love our carbs! Tuesday nights we usually go to his parents house and watch "The Voice" with them, this week he called me after work asking if I would make dinner for his parents as well because we wanted them to try my spinach rollups. I happily agreed and told him what to pick up on his way home.
 1 lb. Lasagna noodles
 1 15 oz. Ricotta 
1 cup Shredded Mozzarella
 1/4 cup Grated Parmesan
 1 lg. Egg 
10 oz. Frozen Spinach
 2.5 cups Marinara Sauce 
Salt and Pepper to taste 
Cooking Spray as needed 
 Step 1: Get a large pot of water boiling, when it comes to a full boil add the lasagna noodles. Cook the noodles until they are soft but not soggy (12-15 minutes is perfectt). When they are finished cooking drain in a colander.
< Step 2: While the noodles are boiling, prepare the filling. Thaw the package of frozen spinach in the microwave and then squeeze out as much excess water as possible. In a bowl combine the spinach, ricotta, mozzarella, armesean, egg, about 1/4 tsp. of salt and then I added freshly grated pepper and mix until well combined.

Step 3: Clean a surface, prepare a glass pan with non stick cooking spray, and preheat the oven to 400. Step 4: On the clean surface lay out a few noodles. Place a few spoonfulls of filling on each noodle and spread around to make sure the filling reaches all the edges of the noodle. Don't worry about making it to thick. br>
< Step 5: Roll the noodles up and place in the prepared glass pan. Repeat until all of your filling is gone. (You may have a few extra noodles but use them as back up in case any of them rip) Pour the marinara sauce ove the rolled noodles. It will keep the noodles hydrated and soft while baking so make sure to cover all surfaces. br>
< Step 6: Cover with foil and bake for 30 minutes. br>
As easy as this is I was still nervous cooking for his parents for the first time, but they LOVED it! Terry and his dad were fighting over the last ones because they loved them! We had some salad and garlic bread (we can't resist) to go with it! His mom text me for the recipe the next day, thanked me for finally getting Terry to eat some greens and how she no longer has to worry about her future grandchildren because she knows they will be fully nourished! It's a favorite for us and super easy AND cheap! ENJOY!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Happy half!

Get ready for a novel! About this time last year I was walking onto the field and seeing this cute boy on my team that I hadn't met before. We made eye contact, exchanged hellos and then didn't talk much the rest of the season. Summer league started and he was on my team again, this time we actually would have short conversation in the dug out, but I was dating someone so I didn't go to one dinner with the team after our games. I finally had the nerve to break up with stupid head and thought I would start hanging out with my team more...and the next day at our game he brought a girl who I soon found out was his girlfriend. Of course a guy like him had a girlfriend, and I didn't think I really had a shot with him anyways. I continued to date A LOT the next month and then fall league was starting, I wondered if he would invite his girlfriend to play on this team which EVERYONE else played with their significant other so why wouldn't he? Then I got a friend request on FB from him, I accepted (not to eagerly) and received a message "Are you playing fall league?" "Of course! You?" "Yeah I'll be there when I can, I got a new job and work late" "That sucks we need you! Where are you working?" Well I learned in his response that not only did he work with my sister, and multiple friends, he was in the same training class with one of my close friends from high school! I quickly asked Jer what he thought about Terry. For about a month we messaged over FB and I think I only saw him twice that month. He tried to be sly about getting my number from a teammate without going directly to me or the BFF. Well NOBODY had it so he had to ask Katie for it. He then chickened out and messaged me on FB saying "We need to hang out more" I agreed and asked what his plans were for the weekend. He responded and then said "Hey I'm walking into work, text me and we'll plan something" For the next month we would try and plan something but it wasn't working. I was still dating (mainly just MO at that point) and would see him at kickball but never went out with them after.I was surprised when I walked up my stairs at our house warming party and saw him standing there with Lexi and Katie. I got butterflies, hugged him, and he asked if I was surpised. I was shocked and told him I was walking my friends out but I would come meet him downstairs. He apparently got hit on by many of my friends, and the girls all text Katie "Who is this guy? He's hot!" BFF responded to everyone "He's trying to date Macee, dropt it!" Well we talked that night for a few hours and I walked him out and told him "Maybe this week we can figure something out!" He agreed and left and about twenty minutes later I got a text "Hey thanks for letting me come over, your place is sick!" We talked the rest of the night until he fell asleep and my friends quickly asked 20 questions about him. I played it off and casually talked to him that week and we thought maybe we would hang out that weekend. Well that weekend turned into the worst weekend of his life. The rumors about it were circling and Sunday night he called me to tell me himself what had happened. I felt bad and was beginning to think if it's meant to be it'll happen. The next week came and after our game he called me and we talked for over 2 hours about EVERYTHING! Friday we had been texting most the day and he asked if I was still planning on hanging out with Katie that night. I told him yes and he told me that he was just going home after work, I was convinced that I wouldn't see him this weekend either. That night I worked out and then the BFF convinved me that it was pizza and drinks night, then we were going to enjoy our fizz and have girl talk and maybe watch a movie. While getting a DP my phone rings, I got those butterflies again and answered "Hello?" "Hey! I just got off work what are you up to?" with an uncontrolable laugh I told him and the BFF yelled "COME OVER!!!" "Really is that okay?" still laughing I told him to head on over. "Are you two drunk?" "NO! I'm just beyond crazy!" He laughed and replied "This will be a fun night, I will see you soon!" I hung up and then panicked! "Uhh I haven't even showered yet, HURRY!!!" We get home and have time to get out of the shower and apply makeup and he was there (THANK HEAVENS for natural curly hair!) He talked to Katie for a bit and then he asked if it was okay if he took me out, she went to bed and I made sure to quickly make myself presentable. We got out in the car and said "I'm sorry this is not how I wanted to take you out on our first date, but are you hungry?" "Yes! I didn't get a chance to eat after I worked out so food sounds great!" We then went out for sushi, got some treats and a redbox and headed back to my place. It was perfect and turns out that it couldn't turn out any better for our first date because it's the story of our relationship! 6 months later I am soooo grateful for this man and what he has taught me! He has humbled me, and taught me more than I thought was possible. Thank you for giving me hope, and working through it all with me! The first few months were an emotional rollercoaster and not easy but I am more grateful for him because of it, thank you baby I love you to the moon and back!!!

Thursday, May 2, 2013


Finally the babe is back home!!! After yesterday I am soooooo ready to have him back. I am beyond grateful for him, and these types of texts is another reason why!

Last night in between games at our double header I ran to Sev to grab more drinks for the team! I almost got T-Boned in the parking lot and the trashiest lady followed me into the store and yelled at me, many of the customers were defending me, yelling back at her telling her how wrong she was, to learn how to drive, and to get out of the store. Typical me, kept quiet and patiently stood in line, the lady pushed me then got in my face and said "You think you're better than me huh? Or to scared to say anything?" I still kept my mouth shut and tears were forming, she pushed me again, and I turned my head and still kept quiet. A man stepped in and said "Lady you need to back off, and learn how to drive, we all saw you almost hit her when she pulled in, and she's being smart by keeping quiet" The lady continued to yell at me "Watch your back little b* I'm going to get you when nobody is looking" The cashier kicked her out and I thanked the man for stepping in, and apologized to the cashier. I get back to the car and that girl was waiting to follow me in her car. I immediately called Terry in tears, "Babe we're about to go through security can I call you back?" Holding back my tears I reply "Yeah, that's fine" "No baby, wait what's wrong? What happened?" "I'll be okay just hurry" "Baby tell me now, I've got two hours to get through and nobody in line" I quickly tell him what happened and that her and this man is following me....I could tell in his voice he was trying to remain calm for me but there was panic in his voice. He tells me to speed ahead and try and lose them in a neighborhood. "But babe I have to get back for the next game, can't I just go to the park?" "I don't want to risk them doing something stupid to you in the parking lot, I can call Chad or Hern and have them meet you in the parking lot if that's what you want?" "No let me try to lose them first" Well I finally lost them as I blended in with multiple cars, turned my lights off, and watched them drive by. I told Terry I was clear and to go through security I would call him after our game. Luckily we won both our games and it turned out to be an okay night but man I have never been so terrified in my life!!! Life lesson: Never go to a low class place by yourself!!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Tomorrow is the day the babe gets back!!! I can hardly wait, to be able to get back to making our dinners every night, date nights, and most of all being able to sleep through the whole night without waking up!

Snow in May=Welcome to Utah!!!