Monday, January 7, 2013


If I told you this weekend was perfect I'd be lying but it was pretty dang close! Thursday night I went to sushi, and went home to enjoy their company when I received a pleasant surprise...Terry! I felt like I was in a dream, last we talked we weren't over but we needed a break. I made him some dinner, and we called Tyrone over to come watch a movie with us and Jacq. I forget how easy it is to fall asleep in those arms, how he makes my day better with the simplest actions and words! Friday I worked before heading over to babysit Meemers! I got done pretty late and decided to go home and go to bed. (Super lame right?!) I wish I would have slept, instead I was up ALLLLL night, throwing up, couldn't stop and their was nothing left in my body. I almost took myself to the ER (which would be a first for me), but I kept telling myself it was all in my head and to sleep it off. I woke up every twenty minutes, and sweating/shivering every 5 minutes. Safe to say, one of the worst nights EVER! I finally got myself to get a few hours of sleep before I started getting some chores done around the house. My sister and the girls came over to my house to get ready for the JB concert and then my night got turned around. Terry and I had talked earlier that day and we were fine...until I get a phone call from my BFF and a text from him. She found out some stuff he did on New Years and started getting mad at him. We weren't together over New Years so I didn't care but he was pissed. I wish she wouldn't have said anything to him, but I'm also to the point that if he can't talk to me about it but I can't change it. All I can hope for is the best for me is still to come. Anywho I head out to dinner, broken and sick, but remember that my family will ALWAYS be there for me. We get to the ESA and I of course jump at the chance to take a picture with an athlete! Meems was not a fan!

This really happened, best concert!!!

All smiles all night...he is better than I expected!

This is a signature Terry treat...I made them one last time to get them out of my system.

What happens when your closest friends find out you had a breakup? Get everyone together to eat your feelings, and find your rebound! Love my girls!
These boys are the real them!

We spent the night eating, dancing, being a pimpette (11 boys and me at a table), and a lot of time playing bike race! Thank you friends for being amazing! This is my new jam..Carly Rae opened with it on Saturday and I started crying. Right then and there, my eyes watered and I realized my feelings are real and I need to stand up for myself and what I want for the first time in my life.

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