Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Now I have great weekends frequently but little did I know that this was about to be my favorite one so far. When Terry had called he asked if we could go grab food, I of course am not eating much but agreed and then offered to make him something. He wouldn't let me but little did he know I was already starting his favorite dish! He got there right as I put it in the oven, and the smile on his face made my day. He LOVES my enchiladas, so as they were cooking he unloaded the rest of my car and we put in my favorite movie, Fast Five! Our movie ended and he asked "Why is Tyrone not home yet!" We called him and the bromance had the following conversation: "What up bro?" "Oh just laying in bed, watching The Amazing Spiderman" "Nice, nice guess you don't want to come over then?" "Oh you're there?" "Yeah bro, she's back home!" "Pre-heat the oven to 400 I'm on my way" "I'll unlock the door" Michelle and I were laughing so hard, I asked Terry if he knew why we were pre-heating the oven and Wednesday night Tyrone had made the dough for cinnamon rolls but Terry told him to wait until we got back home to make them so he could eat them. I seriously LOVE these two! So we ate, talked, and ate and talked into the early hours of Friday morning! Friday morning Terry and I were in and out ALL day. Our favorite days though are just cuddling, talking, and of course eating! I made him and Tyrone chicken quisadillas (they were in heaven) and we played Jenga for hours! I had dinner plans with friends and he had a birthday party so we eventually parted ways! Although I can't eat much, my dinner with my friends was amazing! I loved the many phone calls from him, watching the boys stuff their faces, and girl talk with the roomies! We came back to our house and played Jenga, did a little karaoeke, and made brownies, YUM! I was pretty happy just about the last 24 hours and then Terry text me "Hey baby how was the rest of your night?" "It was good, thanks how's the party?" Then I get a phone call..."Baby this party blows, all I want is to be with you" "What?! I'm sure you are having some fun!" "No, babe I just want to be with you, I'm coming home" Seeing that boy walk in makes everything so much better. We talked, slept a little, and then he got the at 4 we adventured to BK! Saturday morning we had another "perfect" day. There has been a topic in my head the last little bit that's been bugging me, I was torn talking to him about it or to just let it go...I kept turning to my phone when I started to think about it. He knew instantly what it was and kissed me on the forehead, hugged me and said everything I needed to hear. I have been so emotional lately, the tears started running. Me turning into a typical girl (which is sooo not me) then got angry. I hated myself for letting this stupid thing get to me. We went out and watched a movie with my roommate (poor girl sees all my moods with him), he whispers "Stop thinking, this is where I want to be. You are who I am with, don't let them get in your head" I ended up showering and just got semi ready and told him he should probably go to the gym. "Are you kicking me out, or calling me fat?" He grabs my stuff, then takes my hand and next thing I knew we were on a drive. He put on one of my favorite songs and my tears came rolling down again (I swear I'm not pregnant!). We went to his parents, he was going to go work out, and I felt I needed some "Target" shopping time...we go on another drive, go pick up take out and go back to his parents, ate, watched a movie, and talked some more. We end up sleeping at his parents...something about feeling like you are in high school again! Sunday morning he went and worked out, I got ready and then we met his parents for breakfast. Oh em gee, it was soooooo good! He loves having me recover because it means he gets my meal too! We went for yet another drive, and got home in time for kickoff! BEST GAME EVER!! I grew up a Niners fan, going to their games (wherever they played) and one of my favorite past times plays for them! We placed bets...and I made him do pushups everytime the dirty birds scored! We had so much fun just hanging out with his parents, and being away from all the drama! He took the first half of work off to watch the game, but then life was so perfect he ended up taking th whole day off! We napped, went for one more drive (if you can't tell we can talk for hours, we have great drives and get some great music in also!), had dinner with his parents, and watched The Biggest Loser. I'm even more emotional with this stupid show! There was a moment where Terry said "Are you crying?" "Secretly lying I replied "HA NO!" "He looks up at me "Mom, Mace and I are the biggest babies we are both crying!" hahaha love my sentimental man! It was so great to spend time with him, and his parents. Monday was my first day back so I eventually made it back home in the wee hours of the night. But I can tell you to spend 5 days straight with him was more than I could have asked for. He's so great to put up with me, and prove to me that we have so much more for the haters to hate on! Thank you baby for always being there!

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