Monday, December 16, 2013

My angel

I still can't believe I'm about two months away from being a "mom". The other day I got a letter in the mail from a family friend, she wrote: 
Dear Macee & Ashleigh, 
      I have wanted to write you a letter ever since your mom passed away. I wanted to tell you just how much she has meant to me in my life. What a great influence she was. How loving, kind, deep down good, how caring, how she was a do anything to help, great lady, and dear friend. 
     When I first moved into the Sandy ward, she and Dell were the the first two people to greet us. She had long dark hair and your dad had a big was December 1978. Dell was growing it to be Santa Clause! Maline was so sweet and friendly. I immediately liked her. I was nineteen and eight months pregnant. I was nervous about being a mom and having my first home. Maline tucked me under her wing and began a lasting friendship.
      She was always there to help- me and everyone! She'd bring meals when I had babies, she'd volunteer to tend, she'd remember birthdays, organize lunches, and parties, dinners, play groups, get togethers at the park or to go to a play. She helped when I was flat in bed for three months pregnant; even sneaking away a quilt I was working on and surprising me and having it finished! She and your dad were ALWAYS doing something kind for someone else. She would see a need and do something without even habing to think about it. Service and kindness were who she was.  
     There were seasons in our lives when Maline and I talked on the phone EVERY DAY! She was such a happy person! She helped me be a better person! She showed me, by example, how to serve others. She showed me how to live the gospel and really care about others. I came from a home that didn't have any church or service or any of that, so her example really, truely, changed the course of my life!!! I will always love her for that! I didn't know to teach a lesson. Do you remember your mom's lessons? She put SO much into them!! Back before you were born, Relief Society was in the middle of the week. Your mom would study all month, prepare posters (by hand, no computers back then), make hand outs, sometimes treats, table decorations and object lessons. And of course, everything had to be color cordinated from the tablecloth, to the paper, to the dress she wore! AMAZING!!  
     She also loved organizing fun things to do for you girls! I remember going to a puppet show up in SLC with all you kids-Jonah and the Whale (you were little Ashleigh!) So cute! So fun! She wanted you to have all kinds of experiences...and lots of fun! We took dance and swim lessons together. We took you to picnics, and plays and performances and parties and lots and lots more! She loved you so much! Maline was so proud of you girls. I am sure you are both amazing mothers (or will be Macee) because of the example she set.
     I just wanted you to know I love your mom. I think of her ofthen and thank my Heavenly Father for letting me have her friendship.
     Macee, I wish you all the very, very best! May 
     God bless and strengthen you and your families always! 
      Love you!

 I knew my mom was amazing, she put up with me for 18 years after all! I have cried at the thought of not ever being able to see her with Makayla. I wish she was here to take care of Terry for me, or at least give him a break. If I can just be a fraction of the lady described above I'd be honored. I sure miss this best friend of mine!
I hope to make Makayla smile just like my mom made me
A letter Ash and I will always treasure, thanks Susan!

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