Monday, December 2, 2013


I can't express enough how grateful I am for this boy! We celebrated his special day the only way us Garners were raised...having a week long celebration! Sunday was still spent watching football and baking his favorite goodies. Monday night I ordered pizza from Village Baker, made him a reeces cake, and we ate our heart out and watched MNF and the Jazz game. Who knew just my family could down so much food so fast! We all acted like we hadn't ate in weeks and it was our last meal. Tuesday he had a day with his boys. Wednesday we did WHATEVER he wanted. Went to breakfast, went shopping, had lunch, and just celebrated the birth of my man on his actual birthday! That night his sister flew in from Seattle and we went to Iggys for dinner. Thursday morning we went to my sisters so the boys could go play in a turkey bowl, and us girls were LAZY! It was great for a big 'ol pregnant lady that can barely move! We went home and watched more football before getting our Thanksgiving dinner prepared. His mom and sister did a great job and it was all so delicious! This is also the first year that I backed out of Black Friday shopping. I was pooped and in bed by 9:30 or so....pathetic, yes but I was out like a light and had no problem admitting I'm old! Haha Friday morning we went to Ashley furniture to see if we could find a good deal on furniture. We hit jackpot and he bought us some couches! We then decided that we needed a place to put them once we get them delivered so house hunting we went. We found the cutest place literally 5 minutes from my sisters! We filled out our paperwork and Terry knew I was EXHAUSTED and my back was killing me so he asked my sis to take care of me so he could go to the gym. On his way to the gym he got a call....we were approved! Friday night we spent time with his family playing games, and watching movies! Saturday we went in to pick out our paint colors, had a celebratory lunch. He wanted to go shopping again, so off we went, made it home in time to quickly change and guests started arriving for our joint family party/shower! Mia made sure to help Terry open his presents
This guy! So glad to have a day where we celebrate him, he's pretty great.
His Reeces cake....soooo yummy, one of my favorite desserts

Cold stone cake...I may or may not have ate half of it by myself (I blame it on the extra daily calories demanded for our growing child)
I say it all the time but I truly can't express how grateful I am for this boy and all he does for us, I'm so lucky to have such a perfect best friend!

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