Friday, February 15, 2013


I hate "LOVE" day with or without a man I have never liked it. Terry called me on his breaks, sweet texts throughout the day and I felt so guilty. I was at the office late, before heading back to the hotel and he called me...I lost it, started bawling on the phone. I felt guilty for being away, felt like I don't deserve such an amazing man that is there for me 24/7/. Baby thank you for being there for me at all hours, putting up with my bi-polar attitude, and motivating me to get through the next half of the month! I love this man for so many reasons and can't wait to see him again! I am incredibly blessed with a man that I can call my best friend. I worked 15 hours and was beyond tired. This man worked 10.5 hours, safe to say we are workaholics but we are working hard so we can make a big purchase this year! Love this man!!!

I don't know what we would do without modern technology. Any hotel I stay in we make sure it has wifi so we can have our face time!

Love this man!!!! That smile cures everything, (even though I had a day from hell)

Lucky to get these kind of texts!

I can hardly wait for Saturday afternoon and to be back with my babe and have our belated celebration!

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