Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Awka ex night

Work has taken over my life...I am so overwhelmed with deadlines, new system, and meetings EVERY day for at least 2 hours. I have the best man and sister that are there for me every day to vent to and their phone calls and texts throughout the day to keep me going! Enough of that...last night Terry and I had dinner plans with some friends, but first he had a game. He called me...."hey sugar what are you doing?" "talking to the roomies, just got ready to go work out" "don't come to my game instead" "But babe, I'm going to get fat!" "It won't matter, just come anyways" "Okay, I'll pick drinks up for you and Zak on my way" As I was at the store an older man was holding up the line (already running late, I was anxious and getting a little frustrated). The man was doing all his grocery shopping that day, he struggled holding on to all of his items, getting his money out, and carrying his groceries to the car with one hand so he could have his other hand free for his cane and to open doors. He apologized for holding up the line, you could tell the customers were annoyed. I had one gentleman in front of me and a line of about 4 behind me...Knowing I was going to be even more late to his game by losing my spot, I set the drinks down and went instantly to help the man out to his car. He was in shock, we exchanged some kind words and he offered to pay for the drinks but I kindly rejected. It was a drastic mood booster for me and just what I needed. Arriving at Terry's game, I at least made it with time to spare before half time. As I went and sat down a group of 4 young boys walked up to me "Is that your husband?" haha no..."Duh it's her Fiance' "haha nope" "Boyfriend?" "Do you know him?" "No but we're his fan club, we watch him every game, will you let him know he's really good?" "Of course, that's really sweet of you" "If you don't marry him, can I?" I was laughing "You want to marry him?" "No we would all marry you, you're really pretty" "Yeah he's lucky, I want to be like him, good at basketball, a pretty girl, and his car is awesome too!" I was dying, it was adorable.

Our night was going to be perfect...and then this happened:

I was dying inside. Chris is from my past, we all know of each other, and this is really why Terry pushed for me to come. Ahh love awkward moments! Terry's team won in double OT, I get bad anxiety and Terry realized I'm going to be the crazy mom when I put my children in little league. I'm just glad they won! We rushed home so he could shower before we headed for our favorite date night..SUSHI night! We went and met up with Tyrone and Jess and then they came over for games, dessert, and a movie. It was perfect!

Thank you baby for everything! He woke up at the crack of dawn to warm up the car and make sure I got a nutritious breakfast, even after taking care of me last night! I'm a lucky spoiled woman!

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