Monday, February 25, 2013

The weekend

Thursday morning when I punched in for work I was already at 99 hours...I still don't know if I feel pathetic, overwhelmed, accomplished, or just plain insane! If it wasn't for my addiction with Snaps who knows where I would be! Friday night was spent with the little man, okay really it was spent "hanging out" with high school friends but I spent most of the time squeezing in cuddle time with their youngest nephew! Saturday after work, we cleaned, shopped, and went to a movie! Thank you baby for always spoiling me with your love and understanding, laid back personality!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Love at home

This weekend was very mellow and spent every minute with the people I love the most! I flew in Saturday afternoon and had the most attractive man waiting for me, back at the house he had lunch set up, my favorite movie in, and blankets for us to cuddle in. After a power nap and cuddle time, we got ready and headed to Scheels. This is his "Nordstrom" and the next best thing to LuLu for me. We spent a few hours there, and then headed to "Side Effects". We decided to stop for some ice cream after and then headed to his parents to say hello! We ended up ordering pizza and hanging out before ending our night with another movie. Zak had invited us to a party, and eager to be somewhat social the babe talked me into having "us" time. Sunday I woke up at 6 to head back into work (March 3rd can't come soon enough) I did all that I needed to in the office and then I met the boy back home before we met his parents for brunch! After heading back to the house, we took a power nap before the babe had to go to work, and I started working on my laptop. I took a break to drive down to my sisters for dinner with my dad and the fam. It was so great to be with everyone, Terry almost came over on break but we decided him getting off earlier was better than him coming to see the fam. We played games, laughed a lot, and I continued to get some work done before the All-Star game. It was a successful weekend with all my loved ones!

Friday, February 15, 2013


I hate "LOVE" day with or without a man I have never liked it. Terry called me on his breaks, sweet texts throughout the day and I felt so guilty. I was at the office late, before heading back to the hotel and he called me...I lost it, started bawling on the phone. I felt guilty for being away, felt like I don't deserve such an amazing man that is there for me 24/7/. Baby thank you for being there for me at all hours, putting up with my bi-polar attitude, and motivating me to get through the next half of the month! I love this man for so many reasons and can't wait to see him again! I am incredibly blessed with a man that I can call my best friend. I worked 15 hours and was beyond tired. This man worked 10.5 hours, safe to say we are workaholics but we are working hard so we can make a big purchase this year! Love this man!!!

I don't know what we would do without modern technology. Any hotel I stay in we make sure it has wifi so we can have our face time!

Love this man!!!! That smile cures everything, (even though I had a day from hell)

Lucky to get these kind of texts!

I can hardly wait for Saturday afternoon and to be back with my babe and have our belated celebration!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Awka ex night

Work has taken over my life...I am so overwhelmed with deadlines, new system, and meetings EVERY day for at least 2 hours. I have the best man and sister that are there for me every day to vent to and their phone calls and texts throughout the day to keep me going! Enough of that...last night Terry and I had dinner plans with some friends, but first he had a game. He called me...."hey sugar what are you doing?" "talking to the roomies, just got ready to go work out" "don't come to my game instead" "But babe, I'm going to get fat!" "It won't matter, just come anyways" "Okay, I'll pick drinks up for you and Zak on my way" As I was at the store an older man was holding up the line (already running late, I was anxious and getting a little frustrated). The man was doing all his grocery shopping that day, he struggled holding on to all of his items, getting his money out, and carrying his groceries to the car with one hand so he could have his other hand free for his cane and to open doors. He apologized for holding up the line, you could tell the customers were annoyed. I had one gentleman in front of me and a line of about 4 behind me...Knowing I was going to be even more late to his game by losing my spot, I set the drinks down and went instantly to help the man out to his car. He was in shock, we exchanged some kind words and he offered to pay for the drinks but I kindly rejected. It was a drastic mood booster for me and just what I needed. Arriving at Terry's game, I at least made it with time to spare before half time. As I went and sat down a group of 4 young boys walked up to me "Is that your husband?" haha no..."Duh it's her Fiance' "haha nope" "Boyfriend?" "Do you know him?" "No but we're his fan club, we watch him every game, will you let him know he's really good?" "Of course, that's really sweet of you" "If you don't marry him, can I?" I was laughing "You want to marry him?" "No we would all marry you, you're really pretty" "Yeah he's lucky, I want to be like him, good at basketball, a pretty girl, and his car is awesome too!" I was dying, it was adorable.

Our night was going to be perfect...and then this happened:

I was dying inside. Chris is from my past, we all know of each other, and this is really why Terry pushed for me to come. Ahh love awkward moments! Terry's team won in double OT, I get bad anxiety and Terry realized I'm going to be the crazy mom when I put my children in little league. I'm just glad they won! We rushed home so he could shower before we headed for our favorite date night..SUSHI night! We went and met up with Tyrone and Jess and then they came over for games, dessert, and a movie. It was perfect!

Thank you baby for everything! He woke up at the crack of dawn to warm up the car and make sure I got a nutritious breakfast, even after taking care of me last night! I'm a lucky spoiled woman!

Monday, February 4, 2013



My last free weekend for a month and it was just what I needed! Friday night I went to dinner with Katie, and Tyrone...came home and had intentions of going out, but instead I fell asleep on my bed. Whoops, Saturday morning on my way to work I got my favorite phone call from Terry, making sure I was okay. I missed his calls and usually I text him some sort of an "I'm okay, can't answer" text if I don't plan on returning his call...but I slept through them. Sorry baby! Saturday after work, a workout, cat nap, and shopping Terry came over and while I got ready (thinking we were going to dinner) the boy made it all by himself! It was a proud moment for both of us! We both had birthday parties to attend to, I went and just made an appearance at mine and went back home to have one last relaxing night alone. I was having a hard time sleeping and then I found out why...Terry text me, "Baby, I want to come home, can I come over in a bit?" "Yes of course, what's wrong?" Then he calls me, "I need you, will you meet me at Miles?" as I grab my keys, and put shoes on I reply "What's wrong?" "Just meet me there, we'll be there in 5" "Be there soon, but baby what's wrong?" "Thank you for being there for me no matter what, drive safe and I'll see you in a bit" I had a million thoughts going through my head, all of which I knew he was going to be okay, but to hear that tone in his voice broke my heart. We both pull up at the same time, and he walks to my car and says, "I didn't think this through, I'll just follow you home" I can't describe that look in his eyes, the look that I hope I never have to see again..a look of complete heartache. I knew he wasn't okay, it took a few minutes to convince him to leave one of our cars there, but then we were finally on our way back home. My baby started crying right then and there...there is nothing I hate more than my man being unhappy (especially because he ALWAYS has his pearly whites showing) after hours of talking, getting some more food in his system, and a lot of cuddling and appreciating each other we made our way to bed. Sunday morning we spent in the kitchen baking goodies to take to our families Super Bowl parties. There is absolutely nothing better for me than being surrounded by loved ones! We got to my sisters during nap time and my niece poked her head out of her room and said "Cee-Cee I looked outside and saw your car so I got up!" Then she looked at my sister and said "Mom, no more nap time my buddy is here!" Yep I am obsessed with her! After hours of entertaining family feuds, and stuffing our faces we headed to Terry's parents! It was so great to end the night with some tv and ended up sleeping there again! Ha we love our family time and make sure to always put them first!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Werk it....

When your boy texts you this....

I responded with "I think you meant to text that to somebody else" He called me and said "No baby that was meant for you, you look so hot in the snap, I showed my co-worker and I am wishing I would have screen shot it" hahaha I felt like a zombie but the babe was a fan. I swear Snaps, Words, and our phone calls on our breaks are what gets us both through our long work days. Speaking of work, Hell month has arrived! If you can't tell I am extatic to work 26 out of the 28 days...I don't know who is more upset, myself or Terry. Due to my crazy month I no longer get to go to Cali with the roomies, I'll be working about 70+ hours every week, and still making sure to fit in gym time, and making dinner for the boy when he gets home from work. Last night I made dinner for him and one of his best friends Jordan. These boys are the sweetest, and I got lucky that I get to call one of them mine! After they stuffed their faces, they did all the clean up, dishes, and I thought Terry was going to go meet up with all the boys but he insisted on staying home. I attempted to watch a movie with him but I guess I crashed. I don't remember a thing from last night. My roommate text me this morning "I just have to say that Terry is the sweetest, I came down to get a movie last night and I saw him literally carrying you into bed, this may sound creepy but I just watched him carry you, lay you down, and kiss you on the forehead, I'm glad you two are working everything out" I can't thank him enough for everything he does and making sure his alarm was set so he could wake me up for work. I am seriously soooo lucky that I have this man in my life.