Monday, December 16, 2013

My angel

I still can't believe I'm about two months away from being a "mom". The other day I got a letter in the mail from a family friend, she wrote: 
Dear Macee & Ashleigh, 
      I have wanted to write you a letter ever since your mom passed away. I wanted to tell you just how much she has meant to me in my life. What a great influence she was. How loving, kind, deep down good, how caring, how she was a do anything to help, great lady, and dear friend. 
     When I first moved into the Sandy ward, she and Dell were the the first two people to greet us. She had long dark hair and your dad had a big was December 1978. Dell was growing it to be Santa Clause! Maline was so sweet and friendly. I immediately liked her. I was nineteen and eight months pregnant. I was nervous about being a mom and having my first home. Maline tucked me under her wing and began a lasting friendship.
      She was always there to help- me and everyone! She'd bring meals when I had babies, she'd volunteer to tend, she'd remember birthdays, organize lunches, and parties, dinners, play groups, get togethers at the park or to go to a play. She helped when I was flat in bed for three months pregnant; even sneaking away a quilt I was working on and surprising me and having it finished! She and your dad were ALWAYS doing something kind for someone else. She would see a need and do something without even habing to think about it. Service and kindness were who she was.  
     There were seasons in our lives when Maline and I talked on the phone EVERY DAY! She was such a happy person! She helped me be a better person! She showed me, by example, how to serve others. She showed me how to live the gospel and really care about others. I came from a home that didn't have any church or service or any of that, so her example really, truely, changed the course of my life!!! I will always love her for that! I didn't know to teach a lesson. Do you remember your mom's lessons? She put SO much into them!! Back before you were born, Relief Society was in the middle of the week. Your mom would study all month, prepare posters (by hand, no computers back then), make hand outs, sometimes treats, table decorations and object lessons. And of course, everything had to be color cordinated from the tablecloth, to the paper, to the dress she wore! AMAZING!!  
     She also loved organizing fun things to do for you girls! I remember going to a puppet show up in SLC with all you kids-Jonah and the Whale (you were little Ashleigh!) So cute! So fun! She wanted you to have all kinds of experiences...and lots of fun! We took dance and swim lessons together. We took you to picnics, and plays and performances and parties and lots and lots more! She loved you so much! Maline was so proud of you girls. I am sure you are both amazing mothers (or will be Macee) because of the example she set.
     I just wanted you to know I love your mom. I think of her ofthen and thank my Heavenly Father for letting me have her friendship.
     Macee, I wish you all the very, very best! May 
     God bless and strengthen you and your families always! 
      Love you!

 I knew my mom was amazing, she put up with me for 18 years after all! I have cried at the thought of not ever being able to see her with Makayla. I wish she was here to take care of Terry for me, or at least give him a break. If I can just be a fraction of the lady described above I'd be honored. I sure miss this best friend of mine!
I hope to make Makayla smile just like my mom made me
A letter Ash and I will always treasure, thanks Susan!


I feel like we haven't done much lately, I'm exhausted by the end of the day, my back kills me, and all I want to do is warm up my heating pad, lay down and watch Prison Break with Terry. He's been so supportive, literally I only get up to use the restroom other than that Terry is one step ahead of me, he just wants me to rest after a long day at the office. He has packed up our whole family, who knew the two of us and half a peanut could have so many boxes? He hasn't complained once, I feel guilty that I got such a great guy. A few weeks ago we were on a date with my sister and Shaun. My dad had called both of us while we were at dinner and left a message to call him back. He doesn't call us on the weekend, and his voicemails usually say "I'll try you at another time" Stating don't call me back, I'll call you when I'm free. Ash called him back while she was in the car and I called him when we had arrived at the bowling alley...NBD He won 10,000 dollars! Being the great guy he is, he put it towards a new car for his wife. How fun for both of them, MERRY CHRISTMAS daddy-o!
I'll never see a check with so many zeros at the end.

I have only seen Father Christmas at Dickens Festival my whole life. As far as we know, he's the real deal and all the other Santa's are a bunch of fakes. My sister has seen him since she was 4, and he's still around!
These two...seriously the best of buds. Mia told me the other day "I can't wait to be best buddies with you, Terry, AND MAKAYLA! I hope she likes me!" Last night we went over to my dads for pizza and to decorate cookies...I'm surprised none of us are in a sugar coma at the moment!
And again...this guy won his basketball league, league leading scorer, and is it to soon to say he's going to win his fantasy football league on Sunday?! I'm glad he's good at the things that make him happy!


As ridiculous as this soudns...this piece of paper is more rewarding than my college diploma. After 6 loooooong weeks, working 10-12 hours a day I was certified! When I got the phone call that I not only passed my written test but I scored 100% I was in shock. Epic is an EMR system that all clinics/hospitals in Utah will be using by 2015. An opportunity that will challenge me as well as open up new possibilites. I'm more relieved I don't have to carry my 20+ pound bag around anymore! Thanks to Terry for letting me practice my presentation on him, and talk to him like he's a doctor every day for those six weeks.
I taught my first lesson to a physician last week and I was so nervous. I ended up building a great relationship with him and his P.A. and they contacted my manager and asked if I could do some of his side work because he likes my work ethic. 8 more weeks of working though and then I'm off to have this little miss of ours!

Monday, December 2, 2013


I can't express enough how grateful I am for this boy! We celebrated his special day the only way us Garners were raised...having a week long celebration! Sunday was still spent watching football and baking his favorite goodies. Monday night I ordered pizza from Village Baker, made him a reeces cake, and we ate our heart out and watched MNF and the Jazz game. Who knew just my family could down so much food so fast! We all acted like we hadn't ate in weeks and it was our last meal. Tuesday he had a day with his boys. Wednesday we did WHATEVER he wanted. Went to breakfast, went shopping, had lunch, and just celebrated the birth of my man on his actual birthday! That night his sister flew in from Seattle and we went to Iggys for dinner. Thursday morning we went to my sisters so the boys could go play in a turkey bowl, and us girls were LAZY! It was great for a big 'ol pregnant lady that can barely move! We went home and watched more football before getting our Thanksgiving dinner prepared. His mom and sister did a great job and it was all so delicious! This is also the first year that I backed out of Black Friday shopping. I was pooped and in bed by 9:30 or so....pathetic, yes but I was out like a light and had no problem admitting I'm old! Haha Friday morning we went to Ashley furniture to see if we could find a good deal on furniture. We hit jackpot and he bought us some couches! We then decided that we needed a place to put them once we get them delivered so house hunting we went. We found the cutest place literally 5 minutes from my sisters! We filled out our paperwork and Terry knew I was EXHAUSTED and my back was killing me so he asked my sis to take care of me so he could go to the gym. On his way to the gym he got a call....we were approved! Friday night we spent time with his family playing games, and watching movies! Saturday we went in to pick out our paint colors, had a celebratory lunch. He wanted to go shopping again, so off we went, made it home in time to quickly change and guests started arriving for our joint family party/shower! Mia made sure to help Terry open his presents
This guy! So glad to have a day where we celebrate him, he's pretty great.
His Reeces cake....soooo yummy, one of my favorite desserts

Cold stone cake...I may or may not have ate half of it by myself (I blame it on the extra daily calories demanded for our growing child)
I say it all the time but I truly can't express how grateful I am for this boy and all he does for us, I'm so lucky to have such a perfect best friend!