Tuesday, August 27, 2013

iPhone August

August was a busy month trying to fit every last minute of summer fun in! My best friend since 7th grade got married! I am so incredibly happy for him and Lauria!
My "brothers" since 7th grade! These boys always have and always will be there for me until the end!
Now that wedding season is coming to an end we were able to take 10 days off and head up to Terry's cabin! OH MY!!!! It was breathtaking, being glued to his hip for 10 days was the best part!
That one time you eat a whole thing of Costco grapes in ONE day!
My favorite view was the view from their dock, where I spent most of the time reading, laughing, sleeping, eating, and taking it all in!
I missed out on their girls trip to St. Geezy.....HOLY CRAP 13 days without seeing them just about killed me! We were able to facetime daily, but it was usually the following conversation "HEY NUGGETS!!" "Hi Cee-Cee, still on your trip?" "Yeah we're still here!" "Let me see" After showing them our view "Oh, Where's Terry?" As soon as I showed his face, I was non-existent and Terry was all that mattered for them
Aren't they the cutest?! I'M OBSESSED and couldn't wait to see them!
Thanks baby for an amazing time in Montana, I couldn't have asked for anyone else to spoil me the way he does on a daily basis! Our journey home was LOOOOOOOOOONG but we made it! The best part was after unpacking and turning on football, the babes joined me and we were able to go see the whole fam! My dad and the babes were real happy to see us! Mia wouldn't leave Terry's side, and Alana made sure to catch me up on all the latest gossip! Life is to great to not be happy!

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