Tuesday, October 15, 2013


I am SOOOOO behind so here is a brief recap from September! The girls started school! Holy crap how is Mia already in school? She is loving it, and LOVES informing us of the french words she learns every week!
Nan is loving APA! She looks forward to school every day, although she has 10x's the amount of homework she had at a public school!
Steamers!! AHH now that I no longer get my coconut sno cone every Thursday I get my steamers, I was SOOOO excited for my first pumpkin steamer, it's all that got me thru my work day, and I took one sip and SPLAT!!! It spilled all over the bleachers and I sat there talking myself out of crying and that $4 isn't to bad to spend on something I didn't even get to enjoy.
FOOTBALL SEASON!!!!! The real all time high of the year! Is it sad that the two of us can't even go a day without mentioning the word "football"? We are slightly obsessed and LOVING seeing what it brings out it in our families. UTAH (wo)man 'til I die! Weird as my first year not in the MUSS but cheering for my alma mater will NEVER get old!
Sundays are for baking with this goob, and watching football with our fam...seriously life is absolutely perfect on Sundays!
We love dinner outings with the fam for some sushi!
And to end the month on a high note.....my straightner broke in the middle of doing my hair getting ready for work, however I have the most incredible man EVER who went and bought me a new one on his own, and even wrapped it up and gave it to me when I got home! I am the LUCKIEST!!

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