Monday, January 27, 2014

Birth story

Thursday afternoon I went in for my 37 week check up and I was 80% and dialated a 1. The doctor said "I'm on call this weekend, so that's good!" Terry responded "You think she'll have her this weekend?!" "I'm just saying!" Terry and I left that appointment with so many emotions! She had also told us that she was weighing about 7 lbs 9 oz and that made me want to get the baby out STAT! I couldn't wait another two weeks, she would be almost 9 pounds! Friday morning I was having contractions but they still weren't hurting, however holy crap did I have really really bad cramps! I did some research and asked around but everything was telling me that they were just Braxton Hicks, and that when they are real contractions the pain would start in my back. I continued to work and about mid day the pain was gone. Friday night Terry and I had plans to see Tyrone, he just landed back in the states after a year and we were so excited to see him! His parents had invited us over to dinner before so we didn't get much done around the house for any baby prep! Dinner was delicious, and then the boys bowled while Rachel and I were there for emotional support! The cramps had started again and I thought it was because I had been sitting for to long. We went over to Chilis for treats and I was starting to really get uncomfortable. I leaned to Terry and asked "Can we go? I'm starting to really hurt" He quickly ended conversation and we dropped Tyrone off at his hotel on our way home. I even asked Terry if I could walk home because I couldn't stand to sit any longer. Luckily we live down the street from where he was staying because I probably would have jumped out of the car anyways if we had lived any further! We got home, and Terry finished the laundry he had started before we left to his parents and I just kept walking around waiting for the pain to dull. He convinced me to just go to bed and I would eventually fall asleep. Two hours later I fell asleep, and NINE minutes later I woke up with the "pain" and feeling like I had just slept for three hours. Out loud I said "Are you effin' kidding me?!" Terry turned over "You okay babe?" "NO!! I've only slept for NINE MINUTES!" I finally came to the realization that I wasn't going to get any sleep any time soon. I then went and did laundry, unloaded the dishwasher, attempted to watch PLL, read, continued to walk around, laid back in bed, NOTHING was helping these "cramps" go away though! I finally convinced myself to call my doctor around 2:30 and told her that they just felt like really bad cramps, timing anywhere between 30 seconds to 7 minutes, and the intensity not really increasing. She told me she didn't think I was in labor but if I wanted to go get checked to go ahead. I got the answer I was expecting, and bummed knowing I was going to continue to feel this way and there wasn't anything I could do about it. I went and looked in at Terry thinking of telling him I called her and then thought, one of us might as well get some sleep tonight, if I tell him what she said he'll make me go in since he tried getting me to go in after we dropped Tyrone off earlier that night. I continued to do what I attempted to do before trying anything I could to take my mind off of what I was feeling and to pass time. At 4:!4 Terry got out of bed telling me we were going to go in. I responded "Just sleep for 45 more minutes and then we can go in" He didn't listen to me and just packed our bags and carseat in the car, called L&D telling them we were on our way, and at that point I was in so much pain I couldn't fight the tears anymore. They put us in a room as soon as we walked in, and at 5:23 she checked me and I was dialated to a 3.5 and they said we will check you again in an hour, if you progress we'll keep you, if not sorry there is nothing we can do about it until you hit 39 weeks. Terry didn't leave my side, played relaxing music, talked me through the "cramps" and kept a cool washcloth on my forehead and staying hydrated. The nurse checked in at 5:57 and she could tell I was miserable. I told her I was just being a wuss and she said "No I'm going to check you again now. I got so nervous at that point, I mean these were just bad cramps, and now no longer were they just uncomfortable but painful and I don't want to deal with these for another two weeks because I couldn't get them to go away. She then tells me "Oh you're a 5 you're staying! I'm going to call the doctor, and then I'll be right back!" Terry and I looked at each other "This is it babe, oh my gosh we're going to be a family!" Our nurse returned 5 minutes later with the instructions on what to do. She drew my blood, called the anesthesiologist, and told us to call family after I had the epidural. Terry immediately called my sister, Shaun, his parents, Tyrone and my dad. He told everyone they'd keep them posted but he told Ash to come around 7 which was in 45 minutes. At 6:54 the anesthesiologist came in and I was in so much pain, tears running down my face, breathing through contractions and he missed! Terry kept me strong through it all, and at 7:03 Ash walked in while he was prepping for my second one. It was such a relief knowing that Terry had someone there he was comfortable with and that knew how to comfort both of us, and get us mentally ready. She checked me again and told me I was an 8.5-9. She was coming, and she was coming fast! Unfortunately since I had just got my group B strep test done on Thursday we didn't have the results yet so we had to wait 4 hours for the antibiotic to get in my system. At 10 they broke my water and then we were waiting for the doctor to arrive. I then notice the pain I was having before came back but only on my left side. I was uncomfortable and then within minutes I started bawling, it hurt so bad, the nurse walked in right then and turned me over so gravity could work the epidural and called the anesthesiologist to come up my dosage. My oxygen dropped to a 66 so they immediately put the mask on and no matter what was going on I wouldn't let go of Terry's hand. My dad, and Tyrone gave me a blessing, and all I could do was squeeze Terry's hands, cry some more and realize I am sleep deprived which is not helping with my emotions! By 10 everyone had arrived, Tyrone even brought Terry some breakfast, and we were anxiously awaiting! Around 10:40 the anesthesiologist made it back up, and then they started having me push, they had told us "You're progressing fast, first time moms usually push around 2 hours but you'll probably push for 45 minutes." I gave the biggest eyes to Terry and my sister like "HOLY CRAP THAT'S STILL WAY TO LONG!" We were still waiting for the doctor to come in, and after only 12 minutes of pushing our angel Makayla arrived. I will never be able to explain the amount of love that took over at that moment. I couldn't take my eyes off of Terry, then they laid her on my chest and I knew she came straight from my moms arms. She sent me the perfect 7 lb 8 oz angel! They took her over to clean her off, and I knew she was going to be okay, her daddy followed her over and when I was ready he brought her back over to me, we did it! We came in as a couple and now we have our perfect angel that made us a family! She's been the perfect pregnancy, perfect delivery, and perfect in other way, we love you Makyala Mae thank you for bringing mommy and daddy closer than we ever thought was possible!

Sunday, January 26, 2014


Makayla Mae Coyle
7 lbs. 8 oz. 
20 inches 
 11:12 am on 01/25/14

Getting anxious...

Little Miss Makayla, Well it's not long before you're going to make your appearance for the first time! Mommy and Daddy are getting pretty anxious to meet you! The doctor told us that it looked like you had more hair than normal (don't be surprised, look at your parents!) Daddy thinks he is going to give you a mohawk after your bath, but just remember no matter how daddy styles your hair he will pay for it in the years to come with our hair EVERYWHERE! You are already a daddys girl, and being one myself I can't wait to see him hold you and care for you! Daddy makes sure to talk to you everynight telling you he loves you and you ALWAYS move towards his voice. We watch sports every night and when daddy starts talking you move right towards him, Daddy loves to see you make my tummy lopsided as you move towards him. You two already have a special bond. You've been such an angel to mommy during these 9 months together. You don't make mommy sick, you like to play games like sticking your elbow out and having mommy or daddy push it back in, and then you move and stick it out again! You are our little tease! Both Mommy and Daddys families are getting pretty excited to meet you too! Right now we are planning on having you on February 7th but you may have other plans for us! Everyone will be here for your big arrival, Grandpa Dell even took the day off, and Grandma Jenn has the three weeks off after that so she can come help Mommy adjust! Aunt Brie and Uncle Aaron will fly in February 15 for the day, and we can't wait for you to meet them! Mia hugs and kisses my tummy every time she sees me and says "I love you Makayla!" She says you two are going to be best buddies, and she is going to be the best babysitter, she doesn't need her mommy to help. How lucky are you to have Aunt Ash babysit you once mommy has to go back to work? I wouldn't trust anyone else as much as I trust her to watch over you, and she always makes sure you do something fun! Daddy will get to watch you too on his days off! I hope you two don't have to much fun with mommy away but I hope you two enjoy your time together! This past weekend we took a class to help us prepare for your birth. Daddy feels more confident, mommy on the other hand....well now I have just about every emotion possible! I know with Daddy around I don't have to worry though! I hope that's one thing you always remember, Daddy is the best supporter, and go to guy! We love you so much, and want the best for you! We can't wait to meet you sweet angel! Love, Mommy

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

January recap

Okay I am sooooo behind it's ridiculous, but I've come to the conclusion that if I don't do just a little bit now, once the babe pops I will NEVER get around to it! First Terry's family is INCREDIBLE! His sister surprised me with a massage, it was the most amazing one I have had (being a massage therapist one myself) that means alot! I called Terry when I got out and said "True love sucks, for the first time I was experiencing something SOOO amazing, and I felt guilty because I wanted to share the experience with you"
I'm big into puzzles, I even get them for my nieces just because I know I get asked "Cee-Cee want to do a puzzle?!" YES PLEASE! This one was a family effort but I LOVED everyone participating! Terry and I would come home from work, and sit down together and talk about our day as we worked on it before I started dinner! Thanks Ash for my new puzzle we loved it!
The three most amazing/important men in my life trying to put our stove back together! Nothing makes my heart melt like quality family time, and watching everyone get along so well!
Seriously one of the best texts ever! Terry and I are hoping that he makes it back in time for the hospital but just to have him back on America soil makes it a little better!
SERIOUSLY LOVE coming home to this man every night! He is the most supportive, amazing man out there. He waits on me hand and foot, gets upset if I get up and do something by myself, goes out at night just to fill my car up with gas so I don't have to in the morning, watches my stupid criminal shows with me (Law and Order, CSI, Criminal Minds, etc) let's me stock our freezer with ice cream, anything I am thinking he acts on it before I can even say anything! I LOVE YOU TERRY JAMES!