Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Mariners vs. Yankees! This boy couldn't stop smiling! He was loving life, and the Yanks won 3-1 which made him even more happy!
Terry's dad wrote this on the graffiti wall in a cute ice cream parlor
Outside of the beach house
We fell in love with little baby Abraham, Terry is now baby hungry
He was in heaven
These two were happy boys!
We made it on the Jumbo screen! (I've now been on MLB, NCAA Football, NCAA Basketball, NFL, NBA, and NHL!)
We had a great night relaxing, enjoying the amazing view, and I curled up and read a book outside!
No words can ever describe how much I love this man!
The view of the ocean on our back patio will never get old
He loved being a kid again
The Naval Base was intriguing!
I've been craving a root beer float for about 2 months so the babe surprised me with one to enjoy on the plane!
We went to a candlelit French retaurant to celebrate!
Patiently waiting for graduation to start!
We had an amazing time shopping, whale watching, enjoying the real Seattle, Terry and I had a photo shoot there we can't wait to see how it turned out, ate so much food, and bonding with the family! Thank you Jim and Jennifer for spoiling us the entire time!

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