Friday, March 8, 2013


Tyrone was deployed March 1st to Afghanistan. It was a rough goodbye. I love this kid like a brother, he's ALWAYS at my house, eating my food, picking on me, and in the way but with him now gone I miss him more than I thought I would! Be safe bro, can't wait until next year!!!!!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


The reality of this boy leaving set in...over 10 years ago when I first met Jon and Jer I had no intention of them becoming such a big part of my life. When the boys left on their missions I was truly lost. I had lost my mom just a few months prior and most of my friends were away for school, on missions, or married. Hours after Jon and Jer had entered the MTC I recieved a text from Jons phone, I quickly opened it to see that Ninnon had sent me a text, he wondered if I could come over the next day and take him and T to dinner and watch a movie with them. I quickly agreed and was eager for Thursday night. That night started a tradition with the three of us, for two years at least once a week I spent a night with the little brothers. We went to nicklecade, mini golfing, bowling, sledding, movies, etc...when the boys were in high school I attended Tanners soccer games and Ninnons basketball games. When the older brothers were about to arrive back home the boys were concerned that I wouldn't be interested in hanging out with them any longer. They were wrong, when I couldn't talk Jon, Jer, or J into going to any "girly" or "kiddy" shows such as the Step Up sequels Trenton and Tanner were first to volunteer to go with me. Over the years, these boys became my little brothers. Trenton is my entertainment during my long days of work, I often find myself eagerly waiting for 12 to come around knowing that's when his mornings usually start and I'll have someone to talk to! I am so proud of him and his decision to serve, I'll miss our late night chats, Wendys runs, baking him treats, watching hours of SC together, and even the obnoxious ways he would try and get a kiss out of me. Love you Ninnon, Chile is lucky to get you for 2 years!